Monday 8 December 2014

18th SAARC Summit 2014 outcome

In the critical situation of South Asian Region, the 18th SAARC summit, with the theme of “Deeper integration of peace and prosperity,” initially seemed to be like a ray of hope, for the future stability of the region. But the outcome of the summit was highly disappointing by and large. The question is what went wrong that, SAARC countries apart from energy pact could not get any of the other two, big pacts out of three, signed related to connectivity by motor vehicles and railway within the region.

The other side of the meeting

Why Pakistan became a barrier?                                                            
Pakistan as a strong pillar, of SAARC was blamed for becoming a blockage in the progress of the two major pacts. Should we believe on our Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s, statement due to incomplete internal processes he could not agree or there could be other hidden reasons as well! Let me draft some reasons in the following paragraphs.

Changing China Status
Here, saying no to the proposed pacts and making SAARC as complete failure. Bringing trade and other points vulnerable can make a fair way for China to enter as a permanent member. This will definitely bring a lot of benefit to Pakistan and will increase it power in the region. As China can convince Pakistan and can bring consensus on various issues due to their strong socio-economic relations. Further other countries, for the well-being of SAARC might welcome China with open arms as well. China is already working as a strong dominant observer state that’s liked by mostly, all the other countries apart, India.  
If, China enters as a permanent member it will become a threat for India. As India fear of losing, it’s monotony from the organization and it became quite evident this time when India acted as a barrier towards China’s entry. Even knowing the devoted contribution of china, towards the organization and the region.

Pakistan’s Internal Instability
The other reason of resisting the pacts could be the internal instability and volatile situation of Pakistan. Where right now there is no consensus among the political parties. Making such move may bring Nawaz Government into critic and severe problems. If any further crisis arise. Thus, the threat of losing grip on power makes him reluctant to opt for such big decisions without majority consensus of other parties.

Terrorism and Security Threat
The terrorism threat within the region has created mistrust and jeopardy. Right now any pact of connectivity, can give easy roadway for any mischievous act. Thus, for such type of pacts and trades especially with India Pakistan has to first resolve the Kashmir, LOC and water issues.

The different interests of various countries, which Pakistan cannot ignore.
Pakistan cannot ignore its allies while making its geo –strategic decisions, which majorly involves West. Along with that it lies in the centre, of African and Asian countries and joins them through sea or land routes. Hence, while taking such type of sensitive decisions it has to see the pulse of the region.

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