Monday, 17 August 2015


From the Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea the rise of ISIS has been very interesting. The ISIS or at times referred by journalists and Obama administration as ISIL where IL stands for Islamic State of Levant has very speedily overshadowed the other extremist groups and showed its strong significance in the middle eastern region.

The invasion of Iraq in 2003, Lead by US forces acted as an impetus force and building block for the establishment of this organisation. However, when US withdrew it forces from Iraq their influence and interest even flew away. Leaving Iraq into a vulnerable situation they further, paved the way for the ultimate rise and hegemony for ISIS. Once, who were sympathisers, paid no heed to the hue and cry of the Iraqi civilians who were left at the mercy of the extremists groups and an incompetent failed government.

Furthermore, the neighbouring countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait became the private donors of ISIS and backed them with all the assistance to promote wahabisim and extremism against shiaites. There were some other aligned donors as well (Syria and Turkey) who funded this extremist group for their personal interests. It is rightly said to every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. But, the interesting thing here was that all these above mentioned countries used ISIS as their mercenary army for their personal evil interests. However by doing this they have now unleashed the monster which is now unfortunately difficult to control.

Moreover this destructive organisation would have never come into the power if Nuri ul Maliki would have not shown his dictatorial and sectarian tendencies towards Sunnis. Further his insecurity to maintain his position and the distrusts he showed towards Iraqi Sunnis and the support he took from Iran brought fear to the Sunnis and were factors to push Sunnis in the arms of ISIS.

Camp Bucca US run detention centre in Iraq was one of the main areas which became recruitment and training centre for the terrorists. The centre was not properly managed and the innocent detainees were use to be tortured. This provided the space for the extremists to take advantage and to brain wash them and further to provoke them to take their vengeance.

Another central support was given by Ba `athist to ISIS. The unemployed Ba` athists turned up to ISIS for shelter. Several Ba`athists joined ISIS and became the part of senior leader ship. They brought military, managerial and bureaucratic expertise which were lacking.

Countries for their own vested interests with open arms have nurtured this monster themselves. The allies of war on terror are the biggest beneficiaries. However, ISIS doesn’t stop here this menace is moving forward towards the black sea which is an energy corridor. This Islamic radicalization is only for the vested interests and is pseudo Jihad.